v6 Daggers Vol. 7

100 v6 Daggers - Multiple Sizes - New Year Giveaway
This asset pack is on sale! Donations Greatly Appreciated but not Necessary
All purchases are 100% off until 2026-06-02T06:36:00Z.

This asset pack is free but the developer accepts your support by letting you pay what you think is fair for the asset pack.

Included files

v6 Daggers Vol 7 64x64.zip (260 kB)
v6 Daggers Vol 7 128x128.zip (795 kB)
v6 Daggers Vol 7 256x256.zip (2.6 MB)
v6 Daggers Vol 7 512x512.zip (9.4 MB)
v6 Daggers Vol 7 768x768.zip (20 MB)
v6 Daggers Vol 7 1024x1024.zip (34 MB)

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